84.1.1. Abecední přehled instrukcí Whirlwind

AB - add B
AD - add
AO - add one
BI - block transfer in
BO - block transfer out
CA - clear and add
CF - sum digits
CK - check
CM - clear and add magnitude
CP - conditional program
CS - clear and subtract
DM - difference of magnitudes
DV - divide
EX - exchange
ILLEGAL - illegal instruction
MH - multiply and hold
MR - multiply and roundoff
RC - record
RD - read
SA - special add
SD - sum digits
SF - scale factor
SI - select in-out unit/stop
SLH - shift left and hold
SLR - shift left and roundoff
SP - sub-program (transfer control)
SRH - shift right and hold
SRR - shift right and roundoff
SU - subtract
TA - transfer address
TD - transfer digits
TS - transfer to storage
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Elektronika a počítače, jejímž autorem je Radek Hnilica, podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Nevyužívejte dílo komerčně-Zachovejte licenci 3.0 Česká republika .