
CF — sum digits


CF pqr


The address sectiondoes not refer to a register of storage in this instruction, but supplies information to the computer requesting a change in fields Group A and/or B. When the fields to be changed contains the program, it is necessary for the cf instruction to perform like an SP instruction. Digit 7 of the cf address section causes the contents of the accumulator to be read to the program counter (PC) prior to the field change; thus, program continuity can be preserved during field changes. The A-Register will contain the original PC address plus one upon completion of the cf instruction. The digit allocation for the cf word is as follows:

0-400111 — instrukce cf
6examine feature — causes contents of core memory Group A control and Group B control registers to be read into the Accumulator.
7sp enable — reads content of AC to PC to establish starting point of program in the new field.
8change Group A field enable. (If, when the examine feature of digit 6 is requested, there is a "1" in digit 8, the content of Group A control will be changed before read-out to the A-Register takes place.
9change Group B field enable. (If, when the cf examination feature is requested, there is a "1" in digit 9, the content of Group B control will be changed before read-out to the A-Register takes place.
10-12contain field designation for Group A (registers 40-1777)
13-15contain field designation for Group B (registers 2000-3777)
CF00111 xxxAB aaa bbb


Podobné instrukce: FIXME:whirlwind.isa.halt;.

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Elektronika a počítače, jejímž autorem je Radek Hnilica, podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Nevyužívejte dílo komerčně-Zachovejte licenci 3.0 Česká republika .