
SLH — shift left and hold




Shift contents of AC (except sign digit) and BR to the left n places. The positive integer n is treated modulo 32; digits shifted left out of AC1 are lost. (Shifting left n places is equivalent to multiplying by 2n, with the result reduced modulo 1.) Leave final product in AC and BE. Do not eoundoff or clear BR. Negative numbers are complemented before the shift; hence, ones appear in the digit places made vacant by the shift of a negative number. Digit 6 (the 29 = 512 digit of the address) of the instruction slh n must be a one to distinguish slh n from SLR n described below. SAM is cleared. The execution time depends upon the size of n.

SLH11011 1xxxxxxxxxx


Podobné instrukce: FIXME:whirlwind.isa.halt;.

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Elektronika a počítače, jejímž autorem je Radek Hnilica, podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Nevyužívejte dílo komerčně-Zachovejte licenci 3.0 Česká republika .