14.2. rdtool

section id="rdtool" xreflabel="RDTool"

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  1. První úkol.

Nástroj RDTool slouží k zpracování dokumentace vložené do zdrojových souborů s ruby programem.

What is RD? RD is multipurpose documentation format created for documentating Ruby and output of Ruby world. You can embed RD into Ruby script. And RD have neat syntax which help you to read document in Ruby script. On the other hand, RD have a feature for class reference. But RD's neat, natural, easy writing syntax appeals to some Rubyist. So, they use RD for other category of document than its original usage. Some write Web pages in RD, and translate it into HTML with formatter. If you want to know more about RD, please read RD on RDP What is RDtool? RDtool is formatter which can translate RD into HTML, man or other type of format. Although RD is neat enough for you to read, translator into HTML is sometimes useful. RDtool's develop is still continued now, while we discuss about RD still now. Tosh is its maintainer. You can download RDtool from here. And it is registed to RAA.

What is RD? RD is Ruby's POD, embeddable documentation format in script file. RD is influenced mainly from plain2, a program to translate from plain text to some mark-up language. So, RD looks like plain text, and its simpleness and neatness make it easy to read and write. How does the interpreter work for RD? Ruby's interpreter, ruby, simply ignores text between a line beginning with "=begin" and one beginning with "=end". So, RD is not only embeddable. You can write anything between =begin and =end. RD is one of them, but RD will be a standard one.*1

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Tento dokument Ruby, jehož autorem je Radek Hnilica, podléhá licenci Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Nevyužívejte dílo komerčně-Zachovejte licenci 3.0 Česká republika .