$Header: /home/radek/cvs/forth-book/dictionary/ansi/0086.paren-local-paren,v 1.1 2003/12/28 18:21:57 radek Exp $


(LOCAL) — popis


Interpretace: význam není definován
Běh: ( c-addr u → )
Běh: ( strptr strcnt → )

Definováno v: dpANS Forth LOCAL



Ukončí práci v prostředí Forthu, a provede návrat do systému odkud jsme Forth spustili.


When executed during compilation, (LOCAL) passes a message to the system that has one of two meanings. If u is non-zero, the message identifies a new local whose definition name is given by the string of characters identified by c-addr u. If u is zero, the message is last local and c-addr has no significance.

The result of executing (LOCAL) during compilation of a definition is to create a set of named local identifiers, each of which is a definition name, that only have execution semantics within the scope of that definition's source.

local Execution: ( -- x )

Push the local's value, x, onto the stack. The local's value is initialized as described in 13.3.3 Processing locals and may be changed by preceding the local's name with TO. An ambiguous condition exists when local is executed while in interpretation state.


This word does not have special compilation semantics in the usual sense because it provides access to a system capability for use by other user-defined words that do have them. However, the locals facility as a whole and the sequence of messages passed defines specific usage rules with semantic implications that are described in detail in section 13.3.3 Processing locals.


This word is not intended for direct use in a definition to declare that definition's locals. It is instead used by system or user compiling words. These compiling words in turn define their own syntax, and may be used directly in definitions to declare locals. In this context, the syntax for (LOCAL) is defined in terms of a sequence of compile-time messages and is described in detail in section 13.3.3 Processing locals.


The Locals word set modifies the syntax and semantics of 6.2.2295 TO as defined in the Core Extensions word set.

this word is used to create compiling words that can declare LOCALS| - it shall not be used directly to declare a local, the pfe provides LVALUE for that a purpose beyond LOCALS|