85.2.2. Instrukční sada Podprogramy

Většina instrukcí má následující formát

Obrázek 85.3. Formát instrukcí počítače CDC-160

 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|           |     |                 |
|   Opcode  | Mode|     Address     |
|                 |                 |
|     6-bit F     |     6-bit E     |

Tabulka 85.5. Tabulka instrukcí CDC-160

0000Immediate Instructions 
0001Immediate Instructions 
0101Load Complement 
1001Shift and Replace 
1010Add and Replace 
1011Add One and Replace 

Tabulka 85.6. Adresní módy CDC-160

00DirectPřímé adresování nulté stránky paměti. Tedy pamětových buněk na adresách 0 až 63.
10Forward Relative 
11Backward Relative 

Tabulka 85.7.

000 000 000 000ERRHalthalt the cpu
000 000 000 ???NOP  
000 000 000 111NOP  
000 000 bbb vvv bank setb≠0
000 001 000 000BLS  
000 001 000 001PTATransmit Program Counter to AccumulatorA ← P
000 001 000 010LS1Shift Left 
000 001 000 011LS2Shift Left 2 
000 001 000 100CBC  
000 001 000 101ATE  
000 001 000 110ATX  
000 001 000 111ETA  
000 001 001 000LS3Shift Left 3 
000 001 001 001LS6Shift Left 6 
000 001 001 010MUTMultiply by 10 
000 001 001 011MUHMultiply by 100 
000 001 001 100RS1ROR A 
000 001 001 101RS2ROR A,2 
000 001 010 000CIL  
000 001 011 000CTA  
000 001 100 xxxSBU  
000 001 101 xxxSTP  
000 001 110 xxxSTE  
0000 10 And immediateA ← A & E
0000 11 Or immediateA ← A | E
0001 00 LoadA ← E
0001 01 Load ComplementA ←
0001 10 Add immediateA ← A + E
0001 11 Subtract immediateA ← A - E
110x 00 Zero Jumpif x=0 then dst=P+E else dst=P-E
110x 01 Non-Zero Jumpif x=0 then dst=P+E else dst=P-E
110x 10 Positive Jumpjump if A is positive
110x 11 Negative Jumpjump if A is negative
1110 00 Jump IndirectP ← M[E]
1110 01 Jump Forward Indirect 
1111 1111 1111 Errorhalt the cpu, same as Halt

Addressing modes

No Address (n)
E is used as the lower 6 bits of a 12-bit operand, the upper 6 bits being zeros. No storage reference is made.
Direct Address (d)
E is used to address one of the first 64 storage locations from which a 12-bit operand is obtained.
Indirect Address (i)
E is used to address one of the first 64 storage locations. The 12-bit contents of that location represent another address within storage. This latter address contains the 12-bit operand to be used by the instruction.
Relative Address Forward (f)
E is added to the contents of P. The sum specifies a new address where the operand to be used by the current instruction will be found.
Relative Address Backward (b)
E is subtracted from the contents of P. The resultant difference specifies a new address where the operand to be used by the current instruction will be found; this new address coannot be further than 63 locations from the current instruction. P is unchanged.
Relative Forward Indirect Address (fi)
E is added to the contents of P in order to specify one of the 63 locations immediately following the current instruction address; the 12-bit contents of that location are used to address and operand anywhere on storage. P is unchanged.

Tabulka 85.8. Instruction table for CDC 160

mnemonicopcodenameaddr modeexec timecomments
ERR00Error 6.4Stop operation
HLT77Halt 6.4
SHA01Shift A(n)6.4Shift A depends on value E for its action. Three possibilities are:
  • 0102 Shift the contents of A lef end-arround 1 binary position.
  • 0110 Shift the contents of A left end-arround 3 binary positions.
  • 0112 Multiply the contents of 1 by octal 12 (decimal 10).
LPN02Logical Product(n)6.4Form in A the logical product of original contents of A and operand. A ← A && operand
OUT73Output(fi)12.8 + n*12.8Transmit to selected output device words of information from storage beginning at starting address and continuing up to but not including the termination address.
OTN74Output Direct(n)6.4Transmit lover 6 bits (E) of this instruction to selected output device. If more than 6 bits are used by output equipment other bits will be zero.
EXF75External Function(f)12.8Transmit external function code to external equipment. The code is specified by contents of storage location E positions following external function instruction.
INA76Input to A(n)6.4Read into A one frame of data from selected input device, clearing previous contents of A.
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